Formula 1 Image Story

Sunday, February 6, 2011


"We have to wait at least a week to see if his hand survives. This is the first comment of Professor Igor Rossello after the operation of Robert Kubica at Santa Corona Hospital. At best, the 26 Polish driver for Lotus Renault will again use his right arm only in one year. His arm has been cut in two places and only due to extreme efforts of medical staff amputation was avoided. Succesful and delicate work of reconstruction of bone, vascularity and reconnection of tissue was carried out.

The operation lasted over seven hours, performed by the team of Professor Rossello, a specialist in hand surgery center of San Paolo di Savona. In the operating room was and Dr. Riccardo Ceccarelli, the team doctor of Kubica. Polish driver will remain in Pietra Ligure hospital relatively long time, while the prognosis about using his right hand remains reserved for a week. In the coming days the doctors will assess the conditions of vascularization of the hand and right arm.

"His arm have nerve damage, which leave us all a question of the functional recovery," said Professor Rossello. "The rehabilitation process will be relatively long, probably a year. If necessary hand will be operated again to make adjustments. But the course of surgery depends on many factors."

Here in the evening also came Fernando Alonso to follow the condition of his friend Kubica.

Update: 7. II 2011 (17:00cet)
Robert’s general condition is much better today.After spending the night under constant observation, he was briefly woken up by the doctors of the Santa Corona Hospital (Pietra Ligure) this morning. The Lotus Renault GP driver was then able to talk to his relatives. He was also able to move his fingers, which is encouraging for the rest of his recovery process. Professor Mario Igor Rossello, Director for the Regional Centre of Hand Surgery at San Paolo Hospital in Savona, did not notice any swelling or infection on his right forearm, and this is another good sign, although it will be several days before it is known if the operation has been 100% successful.In order to avoid any physical stress, Robert will be put under gentle medication in order to sleep for the next 24 hours at least. Meanwhile, the doctors will decide how they will treat his elbow and shoulder fractures. Robert may have to undergo surgery once again for this, but not for a few days.Lotus Renault GP wishes to thank the Hospital of San Paolo (Savona) and the Santa Corona Hospital (Pietra Ligure) for their professional approach and their dedication.Lotus Renault GP will issue another update on Robert’s condition later this evening.

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